The Word Wealth is our monthly Bible reading plan, designed to promote spiritual growth and maturity in every follower of Jesus. We encourage families and individuals of all ages to incorporate this discipline of reading God's word on a daily basis as this will be essential to developing Christlike character and fulfilling God's plan. Click the link below and begin this wonderful journey of living by the word of God. We encourage you to obey what you read and share it with others throughout your day as the Holy Spirit leads. 


Use the M5 Method as an effective way to master God's word and let it transform your life and the lives of others. Follow it daily and experience clarity of mind, a renewed sense of purpose and joy. It really works!

1. MAKE TIME–Read It

Find a quiet and private place where you can dedicate time to read God's word. Carve out this time right after you wake up and before you go to bed, that you will make your way successful. (Joshua 1:8) 

2. MEDITATE–Understand It

Read entire selection slowly and carefully. Prayerfully select one or two key words or section that seems to stand out. Ask God's Spirit to unveil the deep riches of His truth.


There will be a weekly memory verse selected from our Word Wealth readings. Here's how you can memorize this verse: 1) Read verse several times out loud. 2) Cover, erase or scratch a key word and read again recalling missing word from memory. 4) Repeat step 2 until all words are scratched and verse is fully memorized. 5) Practice and ponder throughout the week.

4. MODEL–Live It

Think how you can begin to apply what you just read; something you need to stop or start doing. Ask God to help you obey and follow through.

5. MINISTER Share It

As you go about your day, be open to share with someone else what God taught you through His word. This is the most exciting and empowering step!