We know that circumstances in life can be overwhelming at times. You are not alone. Please take a moment to share your prayer requests with us by using the form at the end of this page. You can make your request private or public. Learn how many times you have been prayed for by tracking the praying hands icon. Don't lose heart. We are standing with you!

* Prayer requests including more than 150 words or containing sensitive information may not be approved for public view. 

Please know that our staff is surely praying for you. 


Heavenly Father, I humbly come to you, seeking clarity and guidance in my personal and professional journey. Please illuminate the truth in my marriage, revealing what has transpired and providing me with the strength to move forward. In my quest for love and family life, I ask for your divine intervention. Lead me to a future filled with blessings and joy, alongside a partner who cherishes and respects me. In my career pursuits, grant me wisdom and perseverance. Protect me from any obstacles that may hinder my financial blessings. Amen.


Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night. I am not getting any interviews


I am completely broken both mentally and physically. I desperately need the prayers of those who have the sufficient faith to bring to pass a mighty miracle from our lord and savior Jesus Christ. I truly believe in the mighty power of prayer, and I beg of you to pray for my complete healing. God bless you eternally.


Hi. Would you please pray for our family? My husband has been struggling mentally for the last 3 years and lost his job Jan 2. I am at a loss what to do. Please pray for me and that God would give me wisdom and strength. I am trying to decide if we should move us and our 5 kids closer to family about 4 hours away. To make decisions alone has been so difficult. Please pray for healing and my kids to be ok through this all. Please pray they will walk with Jesus through their whole lives, that if we do have to move, for their hearts and godly Christian friends. Please pray for protection from the enemy , that God would declare no more, and restore the years of the locust. Thank you, Michelle


Asking for prayer for God's powerful healing & strength to help my mom, sister & I through the difficult hardships please. Thank you so much


"Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart."

- Colossians 4:2 [NLT]