LoveWay Journey

Growth takes time. It's not a drive thru experience. As a church, we are committed to helping individuals and families grow a deep and strong faith in Jesus that impacts every sphere of their lives. The LoveWay Journey is a 16 session experience divided into 4 modes that help believers accomplish true life transformation. Sign up now and jump start a move of God's love inside of you that will impact everything outside of you. 

  • Belonging to God's Family
  • Developing God's Character
  • Fulfilling God's Design
  • Sharing God's Message

LoveWay 101: Belonging to God's Family

By means of four interactive sessions, you will be able to better understand who we are as a church family. We will discuss Our Substance (who we are) Our Stand (what we believe), our Our Structure (how we function), and our Our Steps (where we are going and why). Towards the end of this journey you'll know what it means to be part of a church family and if you would like, can become a member of LifeWay.

UPCOMING SESSIONS: To be announced

LoveWay 201: Developing God's Character

In this session you will learn four core disciplines every Christian must live by in order to grow and mature in the likeness of Christ: Hearing from God (Revelation), Talking to God (Revival), Giving like God (Reflection), Bonding with God's people (Relation). Join us and get ready to start bearing good fruit as you become more like Jesus!

Class Pre-Requisite: LoveWay 101

UPCOMING SESSIONS:  Stand by for future dates!

LoveWay 301: Fulfilling God's Design

In 1 Corinthians 12 we learn that God's family can be compared to the human body. Every member has a unique function and is a necessary member. When each part functions as designed, all members thrive. Principles taught in these four sessions will help you discover, develop and deploy your unique DESIGN, helping the church become functional, healthy and full of love!

Class Pre-Requisite: LoveWay 201

UPCOMING SESSIONS:  Dates being added soon. Please check back!

LoveWay 401: Sharing God's Message

In this journey you will learn the fundamental principles of sharing the Gospel of Christ with those far from God, gain the passion of God’s heart for people and have opportunity to sacrifice your comfort for the sake of bringing others into eternity with Christ. Upon completion of LoveWay 401 you will be commissioned as a missionary to the world. 

Pre-Requisite: LoveWay 301

UPCOMING SESSIONS:  Please check back for upcoming dates!

Section Title

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