FEAST OF PURIM & JEWISH EVANGELISMThe Feast of Purim and Jewish Evangelism will be presented by Dr. Rich Flashman, a representative of Chosen People Ministries, on Friday, March 14 at 6:00 PM at 13b East Broadway Derry, NH 03038.
March 14 | 6:00 PMThis experience will help both Jewish and Christian communities understand their common heritage and hope. It will make the message of Messiah more accessible to Jewish people and give Christian believers a greater appreciation of the Jewish roots of their faith.
A love offering will be received, but this event is FREE and open to the public. For more information, please contact us.
Rich was always searching for something more to life than a good job and a good education. He was introduced to the person of Jesus at an early age, but after talking to his rabbi decided that Jesus could not be the Messiah because He did not establish peace on earth. Rich’s experiences in college led him to be an activist working for social change, but he quickly realized that without God’s intervention, humans could not bring about any real change.
Rich began to search and question matters of faith, all of which led him to read the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. He soon realized that the answers to peace and the meaning of life were in the Bible and that the Bible pointed to a Messiah that makes peace between man and God and then ultimately brings the peace that humanity so desperately is longing for.
Chosen People Ministries is an evangelical mission over 128 years old, founded in 1894 by Leopold Cohn, a Hungarian rabbi who came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel promised by the Hebrew Scriptures. From humble beginnings in Brooklyn, New York, Chosen People Ministries has grown into a worldwide ministry on every continent except Antarctica—sharing to “the Jew first and to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16).