Derry Nursing and Rehab
Proclamation begins with being present. It is key to ministry. That's why this month our PowerKidz are showing up, showing up and proclaiming the good news of JESUS! The kids will take some time to greet each person, sit down, visit and shine bright! Simply being there, being present, probably makes the biggest impact for any nursing home outreach.
Jesus said, “Come to me… I will give you rest…” (Matt. 11:28). Loss creates discomfort and pain. Nursing home residents often have lost a great deal before arriving in that facility. Many are widows or widowers. Nearly all have lost a great number of friends, family and loved ones. A large percentage of residents suffer from depression due to lack of mobility, self-determination, and declining health. Physical pain is often a constant companion. The heart and mission of the PK Nursing Home Outreach is to proclaim the GOOD NEWS. The good news that we serve Jesus, who has suffered on our behalf and because of His suffering is able to join us in our suffering.
The Good News about Jesus offers comfort and the time the kids spend in the nursing home represents the presence of Christ. While there, they will proclaim the constant, comforting presence of the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.