We are starting the new year with a 21 Day Fast to help us get traction in pursuing Expanzion for 2025. The new year often comes with big ideas and plans. But what do we gain from plans not approved by the very One who knows the future? We must first lean in and listen to the Spirit of God, laying down our ambition and picking up His commission.
This fast is not about burning calories or getting lean, it is about burning ego, pride, and sin. It's about getting the victory in prayer before we even run the race as we ask God to go before us. But we must have the right posture and mental preparedness to grasp and embrace God's plan for our lives.
To learn how to Biblically participate in this fast as an individual or with your family, please refer to our FASTING GUIDELINES. God wants to take us where we have never been before to accomplish things we have never done. It will require sincere submission, bold belief, and acute action. He has been preparing us for this moment, to impact the world with the Gospel with unprecedented power. YOU ARE A PART OF GOD'S PLAN TO DO THIS!
If you are ready for EXPANZION in 202%, click below and prepare your body, heart, and mind to begin this exciting journey.