We are pleased to announce that every participant from the previous LoveWay 101 has made the commitment to become a member of our church! You'll find their names and contact info below as well as a few ways you can help build LifeWay into a strong family. Make sure to introduce yourself as you welcome our newest family members!
- PRAY for each person by name daily for the next week.
- SEND an encouraging note by mail, email or text. This will mean so much to them!
- ENGAGE every new member at church events. Be intentional to help them feel welcome. Take time to get to know them before and after services.
124 Oak St. Manchester, NH
AUSTIN 603-218-9311 | austinbecker603@yahoo.com
STEPHANNIE 863-709-5123
EMERY age 5yrs
EVERYLY age 3yrs
XENIA SANCHEZ 978-914-1460 | xensan123@gmail.com
JAMES COLELLA 978-896-8309 | jvc8782@gmail.com
7 Kristin Dr. Derry
TAVIAN FENDERSON 603-521-2922 | tfenderson24@lacademy.eau