On Sunday, July 23- we will have an outreach in the Chicoral Mountains, sharing the word and ministering to farmers and their families. We are anticipating an average of 300 people. Please join us in prayer as we ask the Lord to speak powerfully into the lives of those young and old alike. God wants to leave a strong footprint of His love in this region for decades to come and He has opened a door for us to pioneer His visitation. We will have the event at the local town school, very close to the church building we helped fund last year. We hope to reconnect with many of the folks who came to know the Lord on December 22, 2022 during the Christmas outreach. 

What to Expect:

  • Worship
  • A Message of Hope
  • Testimonies
  • Free Lunch
  • Health Screenings
  • Sports and Activities for the Children


A note from Pastor Juan:

Dear Church,

It was brought to my attention that the church building still needs the roof, doors and windows added. Everything else has been successfully completed and paid in full with the offering we sent last year. Due to inflation, they were unable to complete the construction before my visit. They're roughly $3,000 US dollars short. The believers in Chicoral have not asked me for any contributions however I have it in my heart to help as the Lord directs us. Can you take a few minutes to pray and ask God how He would lead you to give towards the lunch and the completion of this building? Let Him speak and simply obey. The rest is up to the Lord. You can give this offering online or by placing in an offering box this Sunday. 

Please make sure to chose the SPECIALS FUND if giving online and note CHICORAL on your check memo or offering envelope. May God receive all the honor for what will happen in this new building for years to come! 

I love you!

Ptr. Juan