CHRIST IN THE PASSOVER~AN INTERACTIVE EXPERINCE~Christ in the Passover will be presented by Chaim Birnbaum, a representative of Jews for Jesus, on Tuesday, April 8 at 7:30 PM at 6 Railroad Ave Derry, NH 03038.
April 8 | 7:30 PMThis event will be a powerful, interactive family-style dinner experience where the link between the Jewish feast of Passover and the last supper Jesus shared with His disciples will be demonstrated.
Join us for a sensory exploration of the beautiful Jewish ceremony called a seder. As we taste the traditional symbolic foods, we’ll weave the story of the exodus and freedom from slavery together with the messianic hope realized in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The words “do this in remembrance of me” will take on an even deeper meaning to Christians as we learn the significance of the tradition Jesus observed the night before He died and give us a closer look at the very Jewish life He led.
Jewish or not, religious or not—all are welcome for this unforgettable, thought-provoking experience.
A love offering will be received, but this event is FREE and open to the public. For more information, please contact us.
Jews for Jesus is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization made up primarily of Jewish people, and other followers of Jesus who are committed allies of the Jewish people.
Their staff come from diverse Jewish backgrounds—some were raised Orthodox Jewish, some nominally Jewish. We’re artists, parents, doctors, former IDF soldiers, and more. But we have one thing in common: we all believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah our prophets foretold.