Legacy Offering

Beloved Church & Friends of LifeWay:

Legacy is what people will remember us for when we are gone. Some people will be completely forgotten, others will be remembered for a long time. According to the Bible, generous and righteous people will never be shaken during shaking moments, and will be remembered forever... Wow! As if heaven will always remember when we use our resources for Godly purposes:

"Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,

who conduct their affairs with justice.6 Surely the righteous

will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever."

–Psalm 112:5-6

Our Legacy Offering date has been extended to Dec. 24 to give opportunity to others who have shown interest in giving to this cause. This offering will simply be an opportunity to stretch our influence by investing in the house of God. We want to upgrade our entire sound and video system, and we will go as far as our generosity will allow us. In other words, what we give we will invest in this purpose. 

Why is This Important?

When we meet on Sundays, we are broadcasting live to three communities (Derry, Londonderry, and Salem). This is close to 100,000 people of which about 100 people watch our service on a weekly basis. I have met people on the street who recognize me because of our broadcast. Some have even sent small offerings to our church via our PO Box. But we could be reaching so many more. Our current audio system and video equipment is very outdated and the final live stream production is very poor and shoddy. Our content is great but our presentation unacceptable. We're like a restaurant with great food but messy service. Many people check out before they get a chance to eat the food. This is a huge disadvantage and a poor representation of who we are as a church family that we must pay attention to. As ambassadors of Christ, we must do all we can to communicate the Gospel message with excellence and clarity. 

New England is the least religious state in America. People are under serious demonic torment and emotional distress. Our State is a mission field and we must do all we can to bring the good news of Jesus to our broken communities with the best that we have to offer. We are announcing the God of heaven and we should be pretty elated about doing a very good job about it. Our upgraded sound and video system will improve dramatically the delivery of our worship service and reduce interference, distractions, and both audio and visual nuisances. 

May God Stir Our Hearts

Look how people responded when the Tabernacle of Moses was being built (a portable church tent):

"Those whose hearts were stirred by God’s Spirit returned with

their offerings of materials for the Tabernacle, its equipment,

and for the holy garments." –Exodus 35:21

I am praying with my family that we all get stirred up in the same way. As much as people are stirred up about black Friday, I believe that God's people can be abundantly more stirred up about bringing people to heaven for all eternity. Don't you agree?

King David Modeled Deep Love For God's House

I am convinced that if our affection towards God's house is greater than our affection towards our own homes, we will end up with less stuff in our basements and more souls in heaven. When God's Kingdom comes first, we will have less stress in our lives.

"Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God,

I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have

prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver."

–1 Chronicles 29:3

"Then the leaders of the fathers’ houses, leaders of the tribes of Israel,

the captains of thousands and of hundreds, with the officers over the

king’s work, offered willingly." –1 Chronicles 29:6

Let's Leave a Mark

I am inviting you to pray how you should give and to prepare your gift for December 10. This will be an over and above tithe offering. Above all, give willingly. With a happy heart. This should be a joyful moment because we know the impact our gift will bring to the lives of other people. Jesus gave his very life for us and He did it willingly because He could not stop thinking of the joy this would bring us when we got saved. Give with a loved one who is far from God in mind, as if you were trying to reach him with your gift. Give with compassion and love. Give generously and boldly as the Lord leads. We will prepare to celebrate on December 17 what God has done!

"Then the people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a

loyal heart they had offered willingly to the Lord; and King David also

rejoiced greatly." –1 Chronicles 29:9

I love you and thank God for you and your faithful service to Jesus!

Pastor Juan

p.s. You may give online HERE